Great keynote speakers will be on stage again this year. Also, we are open to new speakers. Many session proposals are received from both Japan and overseas, and superb sessions are selected from them.
Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo 2024は、東京で行われるRegional Gatheringとして13回目になります。運営母体である一般社団法人スクラムギャザリング東京実行委員会は、スクラムを実践する人が集い垣根を超えて語り合う場を提供するという目的によりコミットしています。
Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo 2024 is a 13th annual Regional Gathering held in Tokyo, organized by a non profit organization "Scrum Tokyo". Our purpose is to provide a "Ba" (place) where practitioners share ideas among Scrum practitioners having a great diversity.
Great keynote speakers will be on stage again this year. Also, we are open to new speakers. Many session proposals are received from both Japan and overseas, and superb sessions are selected from them.
The pleasure of RSGT goes beyond listening to sessions and attending workshops or OST. There must be various opportunities in the corridor of the venue, foyers, or even nearby cafes. Please find your own fun.
The experienced Agile Coaches recruited from our conference speakers and organisers will be ready to advise or answer your questions. Participants can just come and sign up for the free 15 minutes coaching session.
Organizers will welcome you and give you a few announcements. A Platinum Sponsor's talk will follow.
Team change is inevitable. Rather than being destabilized by changing team dynamics, what if we had practical, people-focused techniques for leaning into the shifts to help our teams succeed? Heidi Helfand, the author of Dynamic Reteaming, offers a new perspective on thriving through team fluidity. In this session, Heidi will share the 5 most common team change patterns, as well as provide practical tactics to succeed through change.
Organizers will welcome you and give you a few announcements. A Platinum Sponsor's talk will follow.
Ultimately, software development organizations have to deliver value. This is simple to say but it is hard to practice. Stakeholders all have different ideas of what value is. Organizations have to reconcile all of these ideas and keep their architecture, process and team structures and make sure they are aligned with them.
In this keynote, Michael Feathers will present a theory of value talk about how value manifests itself in technical and social systems. With this knowledge we can predict and avoid technical debt, burnout and misplaced effort.
Organizers will welcome you and give you a few announcements.
Open Space is one of the methods that allows organizations to make inspirational meetings and events, which is based on passion, responsibility and self-organization. We welcome anyone who participate in it only by their own will. Beside the OST sessions, three workshops will be held concurrently.
Please gather for the closing keynote. A sponsor talk will be given before the keynote.
The Kano model is a theory for product development and customer satisfaction developed in the 1980s by Noriaki Kano, which classifies customer preferences into five categories.
狩野モデル(かのうモデル)は、顧客満足度に影響を与える製品やサービスの品質要素を分類し、それぞれの特徴を記述したモデルである。1980年代に東京理科大学教授であった狩野紀昭によって提唱された[1]。マーケティングや品質管理の分野に対して多大な影響を与えたモデルであり、世界的にはKano Modelとして知られる。
These categories have been translated into English using various names (delighters/exciters, satisfiers, dissatisfiers, etc.), but all refer to the original articles written by Kano.
To be announced.
Yes, we will offer translation services partially. On Day1 and Day2, the keynote sessions will be conducted in English, and one of the tracks will be in English. On Day3, the keynote session will be in Japanese, but it will be simultaneously translated into English. To listen in English, please join the live stream on Zoom. Ensure you have a device capable of joining a Zoom meeting. Please note that if you are attending in person, do not forget to bring your own headset.
Scrum Alliance members can receive a 10% discount. Here are the steps to find and apply the code:
1. Log in to your Scrum Alliance dashboard.
2. Once you are logged in, click "Benefits" in the left menu, and then "Discounts for Gatherings & Event Registration".
3. Find the special discount code for Regional Scrum Gathering℠ Tokyo 2024.
4. On registering at Eventbrite, click "Enter promo code" and apply the code.
Please note that the discount will not be applied after purchasing the ticket. Please make sure to get the code in advance.
This is a hybrid event so you can participate both in-person and online (up to ticket type). If you are not planning to attend the event in-person, please purchase an Online-Only Ticket. Based on the guidelines of the national government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we will implement measures in cooperation with the venue. We would like to ask for the cooperation of all participants. If you are coming from outside Japan, please follow the quarantine guidance from the government. Please get updates from our Facebook or Twitter.
No. Thank you for your interest, but Call For Sessions is closed. Please consider next time again.
No you can't. All tickets are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled by us, in which case we will always make a full refund. You can transfer your ticket to another person by logging into Eventbrite.
No you can't. Due to capacity limits, we control the number of people we admit. Please purchase a Standard Ticket. Please see the previous question.
We offer vegetarian and gluten-free lunch boxes. However, please note that they are available in limited quantities, so kindly inform a nearby volunteer of your needs.
チケット種別の変更はできません。キャパシティ上限があるためチケット販売数をコントロールしているためです。あらためてStandard Ticketをご購入ください。その場合も返金には応じかねますので、余ったチケットは他の方に譲っていただくなどしてください。
1. Scrum Alliance dashboard にログインします。
2. ログインしたら左側メニューの"Benefits"をクリックし、表示された"My Benefit"の中から "Discounts for Gatherings & Event Registration" をクリックしてください。
3. Regional Scrum Gathering℠ Tokyo 2024のメンバー専用レジストレーションコードを探して下さい。
4. Eventbriteのチケット枚数選択画面にて "Enter promo code"をクリックし、取得したコードを適用してください。
これはハイブリッドイベントです。現地参加もオンライン参加も可能です(チケット種別によります)。現地参加の予定がない方はOnline-Only Ticketをお買い求めください。国や都のガイドラインを踏まえ、会場と協力のうえで感染対策を実施します。参加者の皆さまにもご協力をお願いいたします。最新の情報はFacebookやTwitterでお伝えします。